Tools & Services

dingo IP offers free* Trade Mark and Design applications, and a three-tiered Patent application service depending on the technical field and complexity of your invention:

simple, regular, or complex

Take the following steps to get a head start on your path:

1 - Explore your budget to get an idea of long term costs involved registering Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs - no obligation

2 - Generate a fee estimate for the tasks that need to be done now - email required


3 - Book a free appointment to receive a firm quote, get information, and ask questions

Communication can be via Zoom, Google Meet, phone, email, etc., but it is also possible to arrange a meeting at our office or yours in exceptional circumstances.

* Trade Marks and Design applications are free only to patent clients who are registered Australian businesses and companies.

If you are not ready to use our service then please explore our Useful Information page or learn more About us.