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dingo IP offers a three-tiered Patent Application service, depending on the technical field and complexity of your invention, simple, regular, or complex:

  • Simple inventions are mechanical inventions without a mechanism, such as a toothbrush, wheelbarrow, or a bracket

  • Regular inventions are those that fall into one of the following categories:

    • Mechanical inventions that involve at least one mechanism such as a lock, a valve, or a monitor arm

    • Electrical or electronic inventions without the use of a microcontroller, such as a torch, a transformer, or a microphone

  • Artificial Intelligence-based inventions such as a chatbot, medical diagnosis, or market analysis software

    Software that uses a new algorithm, data management, or a unique and complex function (or i.e., method)

    • Electrical or electronic devices that make use of a microcontroller, such as a smart-meter, automatic braking system, or tablet

    Robotics and control systems, such as self-driving cars, drones, or a control system for a ship

dingo IP offers conditionally free Trademarks and Design Applications

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If you are ready, book a free appointment with Patent & Trademarks Attorney to receive a firm quote, get information, and ask questions.