Intellectual Property is a complex field of law. The paths are many and they are fraught. We will guide and stay beside you.

dingo IP will provide you with the information you will need to pursue and obtain patents, and registrations of trademarks and designs.

However, you might not be ready to use our service and you might want to access reliable information about intellectual property in the meantime. The links below lead to useful information:

  • IP Australia is an Australian Government agency which manages Patent, Design, and Trademarks applications, examinations, and registrations. You can get general information here:

  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a United Nations agency that manages international aspects of Intellectual Property, and in particular WIPO handles the International Phase of Patent applications. There is a plethora of information available on the WIPO website:

  • The Trans-Tasman Intellectual Attorneys Board manages the registration of Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys in Australia and New Zealand. You can find out a bit more about Attorneys here:

  • A FREE intellectual property course IP Panorama is available for those who are keen on learning more. It is provided by WIPO and is a comprehensive introduction to intellectual property and its management. It can be found by browsing the WIPO Academy page:

If you are ready to proceed with our service then hit the button below.

  • BUSTED! No. You can only get patents in individual countries, apart from the European Union, which now has a single patent to cover all European Union countries as an option. However, there is an International Route patent application which allows you to delay choosing the countries where you would like to have patents after an initial application made in Australia. Don’t get confused, it is an important distinction.

  • BUSTED! Claims that are drafted with long running sentences of 7 to 10 lines with few breaks are not necessarily ineffective from a legal standpoint, but they can be difficult to read and interpret because they were probably not written strictly following accepted rules of grammar. The typical justification for this kind of word spaghetti is that patent language is special and technical - which it is.

    At dingo IP we follow the “plain language” approach, which is part of a broader movement to make legal writing clearer and easier to understand without sacrificing content or precision. Knowing the scope of the claims is power: understanding claims should be straightforward.

  • BUSTED! The fastest you can get a patent in Australia is about 2 to 3 years, but typically closer to 4 or 5 years overseas.

    There are many steps to getting a patent granted and getting a patent is never guaranteed. Each step also has its own associated fees - see our Tools & Services page.

    You cannot sue anyone until the patent is granted. However, having a patent Application in place allows you to use “Patent Pending” along with your invention, which is probably enough to deter most others from using your invention.

  • BUSTED! AI can be used to assist with drafting a patent specification, but it needs to be told exactly what to do by a competent patent attorney. It would probably take a specially trained, general-AI to replace a patent attorney. If it does happen, it might be another 10+ years before you are leaving your inventions solely in the hands of a computer program.

Busting some Patent Myths: